#7 Grey all over me

So i had 3 Tv series prepared for me tonight..
How I met Your Mother, Big bang theory, and Grey's Anatomy...
I started the night with The social network though.. but i chose Grey's afterwards..

Grey's Anatomy help me realize about mid-life crisis,.
watching people emotion going ups and down while they are still doing their work amazingly professional is the THING

You cant skip class or skip your lunch because you just broke up or some guy didnt call you back..
Yes you're heart-broken, but you have to man up and walk the rest of your day with your chin-up..
and no, no , you cant miss your lunch.. you cant jeopardize your body and put it on risk, you need to stay healthy so you can keep working..

Cry and laugh as you want, but when you are on your desk, on the field, or in Grey's case in the OR, you need to take your responsibility and do your job (well!)..

It's not only about your pay.. but its about responsibility, how you already become part of someone else's life and whatever you do, will not only affect you and yourself but also other's life , whether you got paid or not..

People can die in the OR if we didnt concentrate, someone can go bangkrupt if we miss out something on their stocks, someone's house can fall down if we didnt design it well, and others that can happen if we -grown ups not having our responsibilities..

we can say the hell with our life, but open your eyes..
it is not only your life that is in your hand now..
it is others as well..

and guys.. That is mid-life crisis! , thanks to Grey's